🐾 Cross the Threshold

There are n particles present in a space and an array, initialEnergy[n]. The finalEnergy[i] of the ith particle is max(initialEnergy[i] - barrier, 0).

The goal is to find the maximum possible integer value of the barrier such that the sum of final energies of the particles is greater than or equal to a given threshold th.

Function Description

Complete the function getMaxBarrier in the editor.

getMaxBarrier has the following parameter(s):

  1. 1. int initialEnergy[n]: the initial energies of the particles
  2. 2. int th: the threshold


int: the maximum integer value of the barrier such that the sum of energies of all the particles is greater than or equal to th

Example 1:

Input:  initialEnergy = [4, 8, 7, 2, 1], th = 9
Output: 3
Test barrier values of 0 through 4. * These columns in the image above are calculated for each value in initialEnergy. Each finalEnergy[i] is max(this value, 0), so negative values are not part of the sums. The maximum value of barrier for which the sum of final energies of all particles is greater than or equal to th is 3.

Example 2:

Input:  initialEnergy = [5, 2, 13, 10], th = 8
Output: 7
With the initial energies provided and the threshold of 8, we start testing different barrier values: barrier initialEnergy sum of to test - barrier energies final 6 -1 -4 7 4 11 7 -2 -5 6 3 9 8 -3 -6 5 2 7

Example 3:

Input:  initialEnergy = [3, 9, 7], th = 6
Output: 5

    2 ≤ n ≤ 105

    1 ≤ initialEnergy[i] ≤ 109

    1 ≤ th ≤ 1014

    It is guaranteed that a non-negative value of barrier will exist in each case, i.e., ∑initialEnergy[i] for all i from 0 to n-1 is greater than or equal to threshold th.

Thumbnail 0

Case 1

